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Services & Repairs
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How much are you currently spending on your energy monthly?
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Which services are you interested in?
How much do you currently spend on energy each month?
What type of electricity supply type do you have?
This helps us tailor the right solar solution for your farm.
Here’s a list of our solar energy solutions for businesses. Feel free to select multiple options.
We'll help to move your business forward with solar.
Generating your own energy with solar can significantly reduce your business's electricity bills.
This helps us tailor the right solar solution for your business.
Leave your details below — we’ll reach out to discuss your custom solar system and how you can start saving on energy while future-proofing your business.
Where are the services or repairs for?
How can we help?
Choose the type of support you need and we'll get your system running at its best.
We just need a few extra details from you.
For Homes
For Farms
For Businesses
Meet the team dedicated to advancing renewable energy solutions.
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With 15 years of experience serving the agricultural community, our expertise in working with farms is unrivalled.